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Select Board Meeting Minutes 1/14/13
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 1/14/13

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Scott Jenssen, Chairperson, Muriel Lazzarini and Wayne Burkhart
Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Susan Gallant for the Monterey News, Chief Tryon, Chief Backhaus, Jennifer Goewey, Jeffrey Lome, Stanley Ross, David Logan, Paula Hatch, Fred Vorck, Larry Klein and Robert Lazzarini

The board met with Police Chief, Gareth Backhaus & Fire Chief, Shawn Tryon to review the following:
1.  Domestic call on Pixley Rd
2.  Continued “harassment” on Blue Hill Rd x 2
3.  Assisted with a medical call on Main Rd
4.  Mutual aid call to Gt Barrington concerning a Monterey party – ongoing investigation.
5.  Assisted the fire dept on New Marlboro Rd and Main Rd
6.  Lockout on Tyringham Rd and Main Rd
7.  Disabled MV on Monterey/Tyringham town line (assisted state police)
8.  MVA on Main Rd and Main Rd & Bidwell
9.  Disabled MV on Pixley Rd, Corashire Rd
10.  Well being check on Laurel Banks
11.  Illegal burn on Beartown Mtn Rd (burn season starts January 15th and you must have a permit, call 528-1734 for more info)
12.  False alarm on Art School Rd
13.  Scott inquired about the cruiser being parked in Gt Barrington for a private detail, he received several complaints of it being inappropriate.  Chief Backhaus explained what had happened, it was official business and the other cruiser was in the shop.  It was agreed that things are often misunderstood when people do not know the whole situation/story.
14.  The 4WD is in the shop, the transfer case has been lost but a used one has been put in the cruiser until the department can request the new replacement 4WD vehicle at town meeting.  A new one would’ve cost over $2,200.
15.  The Board asked the Chief to park the cruiser in front of the Town Hall when possible until the speed trailer is put back out again.  The Chief asked if the Board thought a permanent speed sign would be appropriate here (about $2,500).  All were in favor if the light would not be obtrusive to the homes nearby.
16.  Muriel inquired about Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2012 regarding updates to the Animal Control laws which had been mentioned in the recent Beacon – Chief Backhaus has purchased the new law books.
17.  Chief Tryon and Chief Backhaus came in to propose a joint combination/multi-purpose boat rather than the boat Chief Tryon mentioned last week.  This would be a little larger boat which could be used by the Police Department as well in the summertime which is a positive.  The boat should be no more than $30,000.  The boat would be trailered and stored at the Fire Department and both departments would have access to it.  The Board had no issues with placing this item on the annual town meeting warrant for the voters to decide.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  Deborah Mielke came in to inform the Board that she will be resigning as Town Clerk effective April 1st for personal reasons/family obligations.  Linda Thorpe has agreed to step in and handle the Town Meeting and subsequent elections.  Interested parties would be able to run to fill the remaining 2 years.  The Board discussed the possibility of changing this position to an appointed position to open up the position to a greater pool of qualified applicants; this discussion will continue over the next few months.
2.  The Board interviewed Jennifer Goewey for the position of Town Accountant.  The Board was impressed with Jenn’s experience.  Jenn has had several years of municipal experience which the Board was pleased with as municipal accounting is different from business accounting.  Jenn currently works part time for 3 other Berkshire towns which all have flexible hours and she is continuing her education with regards to municipal accounting.  Jenn then went to meet with Steve Pullen for more questions.
3.  Jeffrey Lome interviewed for the position of Town Accountant.  Jeffery has been an Accountant for most of his life, just recently sold his business and is looking to continue working in the field he loves.  He did some accounting work for Egremont about 7-8 years ago while they were looking for a permanent Accountant.  He was also a substitute teacher of Accounting and other subjects for the SBRSD.  Jeffery stated that his schedule is flexible.  Jeffrey then met with Steve Pullen to answer additional questions.
4.  Stanley Ross, Assessor came in to discuss the Verizon lawsuit brought against all towns in Massachusetts for all assessments made prior to 2010 for personal property taxes on Verizon poles.  A ruling has been made and the Assessors approved over the weekend paying the money due to Verizon (approx $8,300), Stanley is looking for approval from the Board to make the payment.  Monies were set aside several years ago but were somehow moved out of the overlay account (from $22,000 back down to $15,000).  The Board approved the payment.
5.  David Logan, Monterey representative for the Lake Buel Prudential Committee and Paula Hatch, Chair came in to talk with the Board about the engineering study that has been the topic of quite a few recent Select Board meetings and newspaper articles.  The Board is trying to remedy the flooding issues occurring to homes located on Lake Buel by getting permission to work in the river to remove the debris causing the flooding issues.  Fred Vorck was also present for the discussions.  Scott explained that the state departments the Board has spoken to have requested a copy of the study that New Marlborough and Monterey both allocated funds for which was completed by CT Male.  David Logan provided copies of everything that CT Male provided to him; he is not sure it contains what the Board is looking for.  Paula stated that there no longer is a Lake Buel Watershed Committee and any questions or issues regarding the Lake should go through the Lake Buel Prudential Committee and she noted that there is not one official spokesperson for this committee or the lake.  This Committee has come to understand that while their part of keeping the lake maintained for recreational activities (which is how it is stated in their act) they noted that it is not their responsibility alone to take care of issues occurring at the outlet and their purview is fairly limited.  The taxes they raise are solely for the purpose of restoring and maintaining the lake for recreational purposes.  The Board asked the Committee’s opinion in creating a floodplain bylaw.  M. Noe will make copies of the file David provided for all that have been involved to date.  The Board is going to follow up with our Conservation Commission on the matter to review the packet given today by the Prudential Committee.
6.  Wayne recused himself from the following conversation.  Larry Klein came in to request permission from the Board to erect a banner across Route 23 to promote their 100th anniversary celebration which would hang for 1 year (which exceeds the 2 weeks allowed on our bylaws).  Enforcement of the bylaw belongs to the Inspector of Buildings and there is confusion as to whether or not the Board would have authority to grant this permission or whether it would require permission from the ZBA.  The Board is in favor for the banner to be hung longer than 2 weeks but they were not in favor of having it hung for a year.  Prior to granting approval the Board would like to know the exact size and a proposed design of the banner.  The Board would also like to know if there would be any liabilities or additional insurances needed to cover any accidents that could occur.
7.  Muriel felt as a matter of course that the Board should reply to all resignation letters received as a standard protocol.
8.  Muriel noted that the SBRSD school committee meets this Thursday to begin FY14 budget discussions.  She is unable to attend and hopes that Scott or Wayne can make it.
9.  Muriel noted in reading the Finance Committee minutes Maynard informed the Finance Committee that the town is mandated to upgrade the transfer station and the Board was not under this impression and would like more information from Maynard on the matter.
10.  Muriel asked M. Noe to contact the Library Trustees and let them know that their town report submitted reads beautifully however it is missing detailed information on expenditures and receivables that by law must be included.
11.  Muriel noted that the ECAC is reviewing a final draft of the handbook and we hope to have something for the Board to approve in the next few weeks.  One other issue that has come up has to do with contractors and MGL Chapter 151A Section 2, Muriel asked that Wayne and Scott read this chapter and section so that a well informed discussion can be had soon.  Another issue that has come up has to do with retiree benefits and MGL Chapter 32 Sections 9A and 18 that were accepted.  M. Noe was instructed to contact town counsel on the matter to be sure that the town is doing as it should.  Muriel also informed the Board that the details are not clear yet but it is likely that the ECAC is going to recommend instituting Memorandum’s of Understanding which are enforceable by law with the full time employees.
12.  Stanley and Bob Lazzarini came in to state that their Principal Assessor’s line item is going to increase due to the additional schooling and responsibilities that the position requires.
13.  The minutes from 1.7.13 were approved as written.
14.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Letter from the Mass Selectman’s Association regarding the MMA Annual Meeting.
b.  Letter from CHP acknowledging receipt of $1,200 from Monterey and a report of the numbers served in FY13.
15.  Warrants were signed.
16.  Inter-Departmental Secretary’s weekly report reviewed.
a.  The Board instructed M. Noe to inquire with Town Counsel on their options for filling vacancy that will be created by the Town Clerk’s resignation.
b.  Time off request was approved.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:14am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Inter-Departmental Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book